Thursday, January 13, 2022

unrest in my chair

 It seems to me we got the same situation here that exists in "OUR" prisons. The inmates divide themselves into cliques.

The prison is segregated by the occupants and the screws and the cops love it. They are only able to run prisons as prisons because the inmates co-operate. If the inmates won't co-operate, they are not easy to play against each other, that's why political organizing in prison will get you the hole. Not for your views mind you, for having a bristle missing from your toothbrush. Maybe not anymore, I don't think anyone co-operates with anyone in there anymore. I don't know. 

Same in the streets and boardrooms of Amerika, The Man is the Man. The Man is armed and dangerous and always right. He is in charge.

A lot of the Jan 6 crowd, maybe not a lot, but more than a few would have stood with Daly's cops in 68, think Reagan was a good president, they put up with Trump, never mind his proclivities.

Not me, I hate those fucking lying weasels, both of them. Fucking mass murderer Ronnie and I don't know what the fuck Donald Trump really is, some kind of super mouthed russiaphobian professional liar. He is fading a bit now, time for ol' uncle Merrick to snatch his whiny diapered ass.

Yeah, I know. Don't wait up.

The other guys, the Reagan/Trump fans? I do not hate them. They are not my enemy or my problem(s).  They are actually just like me and I them. Your thoughts and beliefs do not make you inhuman, less human or more either. A man has a reason for feeling like he does, thinking what he thinks, and if people are honest they can get along fine. Maybe they don't go to church together but they can live next door to each other just fine. I do it myself.

Now we hippie buttholes, where do we fit in today? Since the buttholes and the assholes are after the same basic shit, responsible non graft fed politics governing our great super fucking country no other like it, the best, we should be together

So, I cannot decide yet if we had a riot that was supposed to start a revolution

We saw that exact same thing happen in 68 in Chicago

that fucking war, Viet Nam

The 68 Democratic National Convention

the conventioneers came in thousands, so did cops and soldiers. There were maybe a hundred and fifty of us, we went for it, we tried but it was pathetically understaffed that night of the revolution, we were way outnumbered like we had always been.... and the rest is history

We were really pissed off by then, Nixon got in power that year but not then, it was still LBJ on his way down, it was Humphrey's party and he really sucked too. I couldn't go, I didn't even know about it yet. I was 13 and overseas, boogying to the Temptations and the Boxtops, but I feel it now and still, what I read and heard from people there, I feel it. My first action was the 69 Moratorium on Boston Common with a hundred thousand other people there that day to say stop the fucking war

We were really pissed off, the shit happening to the Trumpists now was happening to us, and we were dealing with the Imperial Capitalist Elite, too

and that fucking war

Same shit, no shit.

Man,  did we ever get our asses kicked, the fucking establishments ruthlessism stunned us, we thought this was America

It can't happen here they can't do that they can't get away with this shit but they did and they did and they did


They met various fates. 

They were my heroes.

Now, no one hardly remembers any of them

but I do

you may not notice but it is still going, slow but steady, backfires and mule kicks allowing,

Hard changing anything the Koch Syndrome don't want moving around, I even heard the one left built the handball courts at the Washington FBI building.

Bram Stoker's bastard son, the General of Transylvania, Lester Koch

He's the one that taught the others how to suck blood from poor people all over the Earth

                        This is his mother, Georgia. What can you expect,hey? Poor bastards.

I promise you all if you are reading this and you think you are going to take the US by force, you better ask around a little, there are people still in prison on fake charges the FBI made up and no one has been able to do anything about them. They've been locked up since the seventies most of them, Leonard Pelletier is a good place to start asking questions that have bullshit answers.

The street is a good place to demonstrate and display dissent, but the change happens in the fucking government. Only we can change it because it is the only real thing we have in common.

If you are The Koch and can't get your taxes taken care of, who are you pissed off at? 

You poor motherfucker you can't get food stamps for your family. Who are you pissed off at?

It's the same thing and you can push as hard as you want for as long as you want, see

That's the freedom thing,

 we still have it, it's where you have to start, you never give that up

It works out a lot better without violence. You can't win that way in Amerika unless you are Amerika.

It goes slow but on it goes. 

The goddamned hard right attacking the US Capital is too fucking much, though. 

Ian Fleming shit.

 We tried to levitate the Pentagon once after we surrounded it.

 It wouldn't cooperate. Maybe our commitment was slowed by all the dope we were smoking.

 Needed more acid

       Happy Trails


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