Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Enemies of Science

 In the American congress, there have been some real developments in the affairs of man they are managing for us. The Dems and the Repubs are at each other's throats. 

They are giving each other hickeys, blood blisters of love, administered to each other in the side bar room in the capital where we can't see the motherfuckers shake hands, wink at each other, and then give the Pentagon 400  billion dollars for this year.  Then we have whatever else they are doing together, the D's and the R's, keep it down about how much they co-operate, it is mostly unknown to their voting constituents just how much. On purpose. 

You didn't hear about that part of the congressional budget? The Pentagon budget?  It goes in and then through from behind "our" budget. 

The Pentagon gets what it wants. All the poop in the "news" about Russia needing to have its evil asses stopped from something, everyone guns up, and Colt and Mattel, General Dyn, and Ray Theon clean the fuck up. It keeps the Red Cross busy too, they get all the overtime they want. If for some unbelievably stupid reason Russia ever invades anyone without permission, well, shit, I guess they would just get consumed somehow, probably through their computers.

And fuck you if you don't like it, shut the fuck up, it's for getting terrorists you asshole. Who asked you.

I'm telling you, our goddam government is so crooked,  like the debt owed to the descendants of the people drug over here and enslaved. decisions made about and for "them" that had all been designed by the people that enslaved them. Those old debts can't be paid, they are truly insurmountable, there is not enough to give to compensate for the uses and abuses America has applied to these people, the ones they decided were not really Americans or even fully human. How the fuck can you cover a debt like that?  Maybe hand over a couple of states but which ones and what about everyone else? Native Americans had this whole country stolen from them. What do they deserve?

Oh yeah, Casinos. Go lose in the Indian Casinos all you white idiots. (Indian is a curse word for natives that white men made up) Even when I am, I don't like to think about it. I really don't. I've been to Pine Ridge, I walked where the people were standing while the FBI, Amerikas police force, shot them up for telling the government of this country to either help them or leave them alone.

 I think the "American Democratic Experiment" has ended.  So, now I will tell you how to save the world and everything else, right? 

1). Make Me King.

 I know the same ignorant prejudices everyone else is faced with. I have instant reactions to people I meet or see in my immediate area. It is reflexive, I have had to learn to watch without fear, I replaced fear with interest.  Maybe I am hyper-vigilant, a manifested symptom I have of PTSD.

I realize I might have adopted the ignorance inherent in hating one for their looks given different circumstances. I didn't live with her long but my mother showed me all of that and I really can't remember how just that we got along with everyone. Probably it saved my life in YA, that attitude. One time my brother-in-law drove all the way up to see me in there and got me a pass to go into San Andreas for the day with him. He was African American and the staff was grilling me about that when I came back. "How could you be related?" I got a 24-hour detention for that,  for telling them to look it up and then go fuck themselves, I don't talk to cops. 

Like,  raised by racists? How about if you are raised to be like that but told to keep it quiet? How long would you say it takes a person to actually change after that kind of adolescence? Can they, will they? Why should they?

 The same thing happened to their older relatives. It may take forever to do it or it just may be impossible now for some to grant others the same space they occupy and learn to share comfortably with each other. Even want to. It's a goddamn virus, like religion, covid 19, or the mumps. Teaching the truth may stop it all someday if humanity finally gets enlightened enough to co-operate. I really dislike the truth about this, but as I see it, it is going to take many generations of understanding the common humanity in all of the humans and then to actually care for and about their interpersonal relationships with each other naturally as the most valuable resource on earth we have.We might have to last a lot longer than an educated guess gives us before genetic destiny finishes us off or makes us start over. We're the Petroleum People, we come after Neanderthals and our kind will finally end when Keith Richards takes us all home.

              I know the actual overall, chemically constructed and ingredient-wise differences in the homo sapiens can only vary from each other chemically by a ratio of  1000 to 1. I have to check that out, the ratio, but it's close to that. Yep, that's right. We are all made out of the same shit and so are most mammals. Brains. That's where it's at. 

                    All brain is made from the same material. Our brains electrify their surroundings with huge mysterious multi-colored lightning flashes, at least mine does. 

Two opposing thumbs are important as well and we have them along with an issue of a couple of buckets of water for us to keep internally, quenching and lubing the body.

                               Have we actually begun to heal all the racist horseshit we have had to live with here in America? We still have a bit of infection here and there, right? Bullshit. It just went secret again, they ain't gone.

 Is maybe reality growing on religion? That giant cash cow that is the Vatican and its number one renter; The Pope.  I watched Religulous, Bill Maher's video quest and adventure into the really weird and getting weirder heart of Amerikan religion. He found a Vatican priest who said that logic and physics are no longer considered demon work.

Corporate Katholiks are going to pop when the guys from the "Other Planet" show up. 

If they're smart, the others, they'll come out of the sky like flying Dominicans with a big dude in a chariot claiming "the earth will be the next pasture for grazing the smooth-sided Drekllopertols, the earth is free,"  it'll claim," we freed it, come to me," and then.... my imagination is winding up, I better quit it.

I think a good demon tossed in there may do them some good. When those fabulous bad boys of The Washington Redskins won the super bowl one year and John Riggins, a fullback of some renown and known as a "Hog", got drunk at the party The U.S. Congress had to honor them, crawled under their assigned table where he got ahold of  "Supreme Court Justice" Sandra Day O'Connor's leg and said, "Loosen up, Sandy Baby.". .

Talking about a demon-led insurrection. 

I never heard what Ms. O'connor thought about that or if she did, in fact, loosen up. Seated with the star fullback of the championship local team was supposed to be an honor I bet, I never heard what happened after her honored meeting with John, but that was pretty damn cool, hey? Get seated with a SCOTUS judge and then, after a couple of belts, well, let's see what's up, yeah?I mention them today because they finally dropped the offensive name for a good new one. One point for us.

                                                                      CURING RACISM

It's been on my back in one way or another my entire life, or most of it. Yours too, believe it or not. You have to act the way you act in response to another person who is not the same color as you. You probably don't even know what you are doing. We are being played against each other. Some of us are not playing anymore, we want shit healed up and straightened like it should be.

CRISPR Technology is coming up, it's here right now. Gene editing, so we will eventually manufacture ourselves into whatever the fuck we want, maybe so we can live long enough to get to another planet to say hello. Go get some Joshua Tree and mix it in with some Eskimo and Tongan genes, splice in some Armadillo, Osprey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Desert Tortoise. We should end up with a super fucking Viking with a shell and great vision that can fly, lives a thousand years and can spit a sunflower seed shell fourteen feet at velocity, unaided. And, if we are smart, everyone will be the same color.

We can have a war over what color we want, but everyone gets the one the winner picks and that's that.

It does sound like some really fine hardy stock there, breed 'em up, and send them off to Homularo 6 to meet the Ricardos over there. Smacks a little of Eugenics, doesn't it? 

Well, I didn't mean it,( neither did those fucking scientists that pushed that crap) Wait a minute here, yes they did.

Life is life. I have never seen one thing that was alive that didn't want to be that way for as long as possible. Sure would be nice if everyone was alright with everyone else for the ride and honored each other's wishes simply by only bothering people that want you to bother them and all the mountains were made out of peppermint ice cream. 

I have to go cook something to eat.  

I can't lose that goddam thumbnail picture. If I never can, someday I might talk about that special day.





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