Wednesday, September 29, 2021

General Orders


  I wonder about a lot of shit, my mind does not go quiet without a considerable amount of work and patience. I don't like to work and fucking waiting for anything is a problem. My toes tap, my face'll squinch like I'm farting or something but it's just what I do while I'm getting ready to do something else. So, you try living in here with me. My wife stands it, somehow, but she won't tell me exactly. Probably....she loves me... plus we are partners, she knows what I would do for her. 

This catholic woman, this nun; Theresa, years with her friends in the Calcutta slums, feeding, treating, helping Kolkata's poor's the saint there...Mother Theresa...I guess I'm thinking of her again (I do, I think about her)

 After all that plus more I can not even imagine, did she believe in the Christian salvation she was promised,? Christopher Hitchens said she played both sides like a politician, one face for god and another for you. She I heard it said; she knew the eye in the sky shit was fake, made up hooey only she probably didn't swear like I do. This is something I heard, I didn't hear her say it and I do not remember who uttered the words that have since participated in my thoughts now and then.

So, this is the big question for me and maybe a few other humans. If she knew the truth of her professed religion, no big galas in the clouds with Jesus and his crew coming up, we live in a mortal world in a mortal galaxy, why did she continue to wash the feet of the poor? After realizing the reality of the hustle/language virus it is, did religion stick with her? Some of it? Take the good, leave the bad?

So, who is on the other side of her? The antithesis of good defined is celebrated evil.

             You ' win the war and have a parade to celebrate yet they always miss the float, the float heaped with the corpses and various pieces of soldiers and other parts of other things, victims of our celebration, dripping viscera as it rolls full they use straps to hold their load on and down.

Rolling along behind it, top-down and megaphoned up they come, the buzzard car with the smiling generals, defense contractors, and their dogs- the politicians-that saved us by working really hard on that float, twenty-four-seven these guys are on duty building it. It's their job.

The invisible float, there, in a different dimension maybe, on another plane, but coming right along with the rest of it all  it's coming along too, with everyone else.

Those guys, the generals, I know that they are not "PRO WAR" because they know, each and every one of them that make that kind of rank, they know about that float. They know what wars do. They are, however, very committed to National Defense, no matter what I think it means, or small matter is more accurate.

 I have had the privilege of knowing a few true "Military Men and Women" and I know they are the people who run the security system for the state. It is an ancient system, we jinked it with democracy and civilian command, our military, the US one, is committed to that system. The generals have the guns, the congresspeople tell them when to use them.

The ones who make that kind of rank are incredible people, the best we have in this country, the kind of responsibility they accept and handle is incredible. To be one with a conscience is one of the heaviest tests of a person available. To handle it and stay sane, to know what you have to know and still play by the rules when you could change something quick, really could... to understand the laws of unintentional consequences is the law of war.

Now, the worst thing, living with what happens after......when does it end

 due to our second world war gains, we decided to be and our allies helped us all along the way to be, the cops of  The Free World.

There's been a lot of sweating generals since then and luckily we're still here.

The cop shit is worn thin. That's good.  Now, make it last , everyone has had enough. Cut it out.

 Evolve you Motherfuckers.




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