Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Still Here

There's four people fucking around with this computer now so it's hard to get any time in on it, I use it for research almost always when I do,  I've been sleeping in and helping to organize giant anti war rallies and helping to organize poor people and anyone else that's interested in tax the evil rich motherfuckers that are wrecking the world because they figured out how to and take back the wealth they ripped off. It didn't fly when we tried it two years ago but now people are signing on. Everyone we've talked to in this one small neighborhood in Santa Rosa is down. They know they're getting fucked and they want to fight back. Revolution regains the air by recognizing oppression and being able to clearly identify the enemy and twenty years of being lied to and swindled has made a lot of believers out of the masses.  I like it.

 I'm one busy motherfucker


  1. I was walking around L section today with a friend. I wondered about you. I'm not on foot in Rohnert Park very often.

  2. We're in B section in this forsaken barren habitat of suburbia. You are always welcome. Bring the hound.I know where the cats are, we can go hunting.
