See this guy? I met him when he looked like this, or, I saw him in Boston with Howard Zinn and other anti-war luminaries in 1969 on Boston Common, with about a quarter of a million other people telling Nixon to stop the fucking war.
Then, in 1990 I think, after a major career in debauchery, I started to want to think again and got "Manufacturing Consent" in a bookstore on Clement Street in SF. I had read nothing but 'spiritual literature" much of it enfolded in the 12-step programs that were filling up with us refugees from the sixties and seventies, but I was ready to read it.
I still read it, and the mass media has been nothing but entertainment ever since until I can prove they are not utterly full of shit, or just how full per occasion, who the big yakkers are, and what is their agenda and then how to stay away from their claws reaching for my attention, pleading with me for understanding ever since. I got rid of my big tv and only watched baseball games on it, football in bars on Sunday until I passed out.
I watch it now but I pay for no commercials, they sneak in though, even on my subscription, fuckin' Al Gorythm is due for a talk when I find him.
I picked up 90 percent of the newspapers I read off of busses and subway seats, Muni, The T, mass transit seats and floors nationwide, and I read the Stars and Stripes in Germany, on base, wore out by 10 am in the snack bar ones, new ones off the stack, old ones in the trash, now and then...a quarter for one.
The Sunday rags in Portland are 5 bucks and I do, I do, I have a Sunday subscription, but...and listen here...that's because our old comrade Frank is still delivering it to our house, he has a big family and I like him, he showed us how to do it when we were out delivering them to keep on eating and whatever when we first got here.
I think he is in his 90s now and still sharp, slow on his feet, and gets tired when he comes out and talks but, he still does come out and talk.
Noam, not Frank.
Frank is just as interesting a guy, but in a different way than Noam.
Actually, not as much difference as you might think, plenty to learn from both about integrity.
His talks on youtube are still clear and pointed, just right for me.
Noam, not Frank.
.I am keeping an eye out for a good horse trailer for him. Gas station guys find the deals, he knew that.
Frank, not Noam
See what I mean?
I like learning shit now, instead of trying to just forget it all, now I am working on tricks for remembering. My brain is against it. It wants entertainment, T&A, cartoons, drugs, fights,pornography,hot springs in the desert.
decisions decisions
read responsibly or a ride into Gomorrah,
I'll decide later,
Right now, I gotta change the hummingbirds' sugar water
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