Thursday, November 17, 2022

Free Men Will Not Comply

  Now there is a good slogan to begin the operation with but...right away there are problems, indicated by the sexist tone of it,

 I know so I will tell you that free women don't comply either, in case you were wondering,

 I think we should make a general human law that, officially in all matters of internal and international conflict(s), women rule it, they decide for us, they negotiate for us, and we honor them as they deserve to be honored as mothers and adjusted to reality through ancient magic, they should be in charge of all the weapons and the people involved in weapons must clear it always with the master armoressette or whoever she says to go see about it.

There may be fighting under the right rulers but, no wars, no shooting ones anyway, maybe a special operation now and then or something like that, no weapons, you have to outsmart your opponent, somewhere, somehow. 

Make it a game, like are they done hassling people who want to leave their weird fabulously scientologistic wealthy club, they wanna be a religion then, go act religiously, pick yourselves a model and emulate...anything is better than what you got going lately anyways, you shoulda stayed at sea, get back, go away, get a job, pay your brother back and be quiet.

Aryan sovereignty, white sovereignty, Christians nationalizing themselves all up and shit, fuck, go lie down for a while, they want a country like Israel got one. Germany didn't work, they will never go for that shit in a big way anywhere, ever again. Maybe they'll try to "cure it" with new positions, just don't listen, enjoy yourself, ignore them while you can, when they rise, just like always so far, get them the fuck out again, we need a couple of years off.... so now where do they land?

 If this was 500 years from now, they could just go to their planet and us to ours. They would close their planet, and only white aliens can get in but it's ok, no one wants to go over there anyways, too many mad people, big waste of expensive plutonium fuel, and the wear and tear on the machine with the seventeen light years you gotta drive, you know?

I am going to go hang around with a bunch of criminals again this morning, the men from the county are coming to work on the park today and I am going over there to see what I can do. 

and I have to make sure I stay out of the way, I'm getting slower and slower, I have to stay out of the middle and circle around on the outside, reach in and get mine now and then, watching always for sharks

I like the park we have, it's right next to a federally protected wetland, what they call a swamp in Texas, right now there are a billion birds migrating around, geese by the thousands, flying up there and honkin' on down, how do they keep track of who is who in that herd?

They really like our swamp and so do I.

Here, in two photos spanning maybe forty years, is one woman who never complied,  literally took the US Justice Departments' racist illegal set of charges against her, their case to put her away forever, murder charges, she took their case apart, from jail, and had it thrown out of court and was absolutely exonerated and now teaches the truth at a Big University in California. Her name is Angela Davis and she is one of my heroes. We are extremely fortunate that she did not meet the same fate as Fred Hampton, it was not safe in America for her for a while. She had bodyguards, and maybe she still does, I would do that, now that I have time, for her.

I must have one or two of her books around here still, maybe I gave them away, she had a lot to say about Marxism and I learned a couple of things from her writings. I think she is still a communist, a pure commie,  the written down not just the rumor. Ms. Davis, I betcha' you would find... if you were to look... was and is... still down.

"Dick Cheney got a Gay Black Woman's heart for his transplant and he just found out"

I woke to a song in my heart, "Don't Take Me Alive" by Steely Dan, cut off their album "The Royal Scam" are the now, today, topical, historical and forward reaching into our future and the big, right now Lyrics in the beginning of that song,
"Agents of the Law
Luckless pedestrian
I know you're out there
with rage in your eyes and your megaphone
saying all is forgiven
mad dog surrender
how can I answer
a man of my mind can do anything
I'm a bookkeeper's son
I don't wanna shoot no one

 Her understanding of music is unknown to me, but I know her stance for herself and her people, she did and does stand for them still, the pentagone always declares a national emergency if she and Noam meet for coffee.
 Man oh man, do I ever wander around, hey? 
Well, it's my brain and I'll take it where I want, fuck anyone that says I can't because I can.
Now, mysteriously, my computer is not aligning left or right, I am stuck in the middle, this cat will not stay out of my lap, it is difficult here today but I can handle it,, I am...after all, a professional politician  I got answers and I need a donation
Trick or Treat

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