Friday, December 3, 2010

Economics up the Ass

                   Continuing my descent into the bowels of economic ignorance
                   Economics. It seems to be simplicity itself, don't lend anyone anything, don't borrow anything, save for the shit you want. These may be the absolutes of rudimentary economics, I'm no longer entirely sure. I am most certainly being kind of baffled by bullshit these days but not like the money guys want me to be. So far, I have not been able to drive those three motherfucking little premises out of my understanding which, of course; makes me an idiot.
                 I remain unable to grasp the importance or major truths involved in conducting todays dominant paradigm, despite all the media attention directed at me. Thick is what they call guys like me in the UK and New England. It's a bad thing, like having Plague or an Ebola infected monkey at home.
                 I am a sick motherfucker.                 
                  I know the wizards who are in charge of money make the money, they tell each other how much to make and when to make it and when to stop making it. They own the money. Even if you have some, they think it's still theirs. Anyone can find this out. The fed gives and the fed gives more and then the banks get it back for them. Then it trickles up. Always up.
               Maybe the real game for the bank shmoes is, the bank that gets the least  money back in a week buys dinner and number two picks up the tab for the booze and the coke, number three covers the sex workers. There's been glitches but, all in all, it's running pretty fucking efficiently. All it takes is victims, and these motherfuckers make their own marks. Beautiful.
               The banks come up with all kinds of scams to get it back, their alleged money. They have laws out in front of their scamming asses, enforced by"officials" (or "assbites" in America and Canada). They pay them as little as possible while the poor slobs slather at their feet for a scrap and a possible shot at the big time that runs about 435,704 to 1/9th, against.
               I've had many friends who were not subscribed to the theory that some of that money wasn't theirs. They acted like they could take what they wanted. Some of them did take what they wanted. I always really liked those guys. What the assbites got out of it was steady work trying to stop them from taking "their" shit.               
              When my friends sold insurance it was fraud, lent money;loansharking, stashed their cash;money laundering, even thought about it;conspiracy, encouraged pharmaceutical sales;narcotics trafficking, took money out of a bank even with paperwork; fraud or armed robbery, got a new car ,boat or motorcycle for free ;grand theft. I don't think they ever manufactured or sold 'bonds" or "derivatives" or ,ha ha ha ,"issued credit." You have to have a license for that.
                       Often the resulting response by the assbites, bred of confusion and misunderstanding, was unpleasant for all concerned. The assbites didn't like it when they heard the phrases from the regulars like "Fuck you, come and get me. I got nothing to say. I want a lawyer."
                In this new economic model, (maybe it's the same old one, like I said I'm confused a little), the assbites are telling the regulars "Fuck you, come and get me, I got nothing to say. I want a lawyer.."
                 Maybe the banks hired my old friends to handle shit for them. I'll have to think about that.

                                                    For The Thug and Oly
                                                       RIP Motherfuckers

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