"Hello, yeah I heard Michaelangelo of Pence say on the radio, he thinks he's Rush Limbaugh on decaf."
Elect a wannabe Rush Limbaugh, who did not rush off fast enough, and he left this dude Lars out there lipping it up and whining all day on the radio now, all fuckin' day, yeah...right...that's him our...no... wait.. THE new bootlicker in chief. He's a spiritual man too, he listens for gods instructions as he is always looking for the signs, "he'll lead ME, I'm the good half, I get the reward, we get to keep the good half, take it over to my sister in law's mother's aunt's bank."
Will he get the Tucker Carlson Award?
Carlson is just about ready to go hook up with those Tate guys in Transylvania, up with the undead and hungry testosterone cocktails for breakfast dudes, couldn't make the cut, no war to go fight, scared to take anyone on one-on-one and hey...guys... look at this tour, let's go beat women and drink in Eastern Europe, he will start sanctifying them on his show pretty quick, the "new revolutionaries"the right kind of guys with the right kind of ideas and enough money to get poor women to do almost anything to get it and take some home
are these ' apostrophes?
Now, Mike Pence did one smart thing and he's all about that one thing, has he... he better,... read Spiro Agnews' playbook on how to duck the cops while you can, one chance to go quietly or else buddy....he worked happily and holding hands with a Russian agent, he backed his every play but one, maybe two, possibly three...out of fifty-seven four hundred and seventy-nine thousand bad ones he smiled right the fuck through,
he goes down with the rest of Putin's boys, all of them, look hard at Kentucky and aluminum and see what you see. Lots of students asking for asylum I bet, let us get the scientists again, they have great aerospace guys...
No, wait...it isn't a Spiro thing. He is down with Dan Quayle, The VP to the senior killer of the two big ones, the old George Bush, he absolutely loved managing Vlads motherland sinking and he reveled in rubbing their nose in their own shit, the USSR fucked it all up, they were through, it did not work, no one liked it unless they had power and influence in The Party. Afghanistan finished them, the Taliban got them just before they got us, Russia was only there for ten years before they went home, we went twenty. They took their shit home with them when they left, we gave ours to Islaamic Radical Soldiers of God, Billions of dollars worth of us, you and me, left there for someone else to kill someone else with, or at least try to.
We are being set up, not being, have been, we be gettin' set up. I am saying if these guys were serious,... that DJT would not still be walking around without posting a billion in bail, and cash. The guy's whole stink of life, fat head style, isn't working like his cologne anymore, he should not be free amongst us, no way, none.
He isn't the only one, or even the worst...he's really really embarrassing for us, we've been joking since Eisenhower went home, yeah, he was a militarist, he was deluded by the Dulles Brothers at every turn, he had to trust them so he did, but he told us before he left. So, since then, it's our one giant glaring fault, whose else could it be?... the state of the states is on us, us ones living in them.
Trump and his crew are finished, we have to watch his tail disappear out the closing door of whatever room he thinks he's in and become that of a federal prisoner with secret service protection? He'll try to start a club in there, I guess he is really just too big to lose track of. His assets are here, he ain't leaving his assets behind, not ever. I do not think he could hide if he wanted to..
.Do you think he wants to?
His tax returns or whatever he turns in as them, are pretty illuminating I hear, I can just imagine what he had his CPA put together for him to sign, the CPA has to sign them too and he should be sure his work is honest, at least in my case or yours, but maybe not Trumps, but big time tax evasion is always accompanied by, gasp!! collusion and conspiracy, the Justice Department will have more charges and will want to start coming over to 'talk some more". Until they got everything they want or need to hang you. You think he can keep his mouth shut, and wait for his attorney??
Yeah yeah yeah, I know,, just wait, it's almost here, like a knuckleball, no telling where the fuck it's going to land or how to get away from it, no matter what, almost, it will succumb to gravity eventually floating down to the ground, ...So will he, just what kind of a landing can we expect?? A palace by the sea like we gave Nixon, San Clemente was pretty swank, I heard.
Justice is something like this, get that motherfucker off our continent, put him on a desert island somewhere down in the South Pacific, give him a cell to sleep in and a way to liquefy all his goddamned assets and distribution of all we can get back from the punk, set him and his crew down with some "provisions" and leave them there, no getting off the rock, mines, guns, sharks, Jesse Ventura on guard, stay a 1/4 mile offshore and blow up anything that tries to leave without permission, orders from the guy who gets them from Admiral Obama, keeping us secure by volunteering to advise and operate the Trump Re-Education Camp on Guadalcanal, we wash the brains first, wash em' good, use a good brush behind those fucking ears and big ass ,always go clean to dirty, clean to dirty...don't ever let the butt cloth touch the face, get help back there, big boy if you can't bend around, "Melania, my ass again..MELANIA...MY ASS.."
Still, the little Soviet Girl knows her limits, so she hides the kid and goes shopping, leaving Flappo a'flappin, the maid won't ever do it again, you can't even ask the gardener,... nope ...it's going to have to be a FAMILY MEMBER
...."Ivanka, sweetie, can you help daddy again,???Yeah //??please honey, yeah?? ok???""
"Daddy, I can't, my nails,
Jared will help you..."Jared????? JARED!!!"
It's not good. The Big Guy has to wait. He does not wait well, it annoys him, he wants shit ready, all in, waiting for his word.
He thinks, it struggles up, the idea, the words, the best words;
"JARED?? JARED CAN'T WASH MY ASS, RIGHT??" thinking again, slower this time, "it would be unseemly if it got out he did it.-
before anyone can make a move, the situation leaks to the press, the internet gets on it, right on it
?? What about a kiss on it, as long as he's there? " the giant massive weight of the decision is almost too much for the heart, he is lucky he isn't Dick Cheney, his heart couldn't take it...
Next Days Headlines throughout the Murdoch Empire???, see above
We need a law, hey Mark, make a note...law for making me wait, me is mostly me, it should never happen in this country, and any fact that says more about the state of our union is not available and if it did not come from me or Sarah Huckabee Sanders it didn't even start to come. The gate never opened, the dogs won't run, and the there that was there is not there anymore, that's because of Democrats who won't listen, behave or share...
I could go on and on but I won't anymore, today.
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movin' on Thursday, I found some nice folks that want a giant mad dog cat |
ready ready ready ready ready ready ready
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