Sunday, November 13, 2022

Results are in


"Bolstered by his fans cheering "ole'-el  poop-o **ole' el -poop- o" the last of the old Poo Peroos takes the stage with president Orban and beats the living shit out of him, just to teach him a lesson and get to relax and read out his golden years in a federal penitentiary with lousy mattresses...maybe I better not hit anyone, yeah....never mind the fighting, not even in a fantasy blog setting by a knucklehead in Oregon

                                                      MAYBE WE COULD JUST TALK

I have been elected, no shit, me...I got elected to a position on our city council. I am now a "city councilman", and it's a good place to help from, I can go help or check on anything in cases of emergencies or something and I go to the meeting every month and we figure out what we can and then we do all we can, it is true that the more of us on the issue, the better the issue ends up, getting us ready for the next issue, or...issue number two that issue number three says should be first but first says third should be sixth and then the issue in sixth raises a new issue, someone sues and ----- comes in and saves us by lending us ------, they will run the EPA cleanups of all the old meth labs in the woods around here that haven't been found and cleaned up, almost all have, not by the government, by the guys that hunt, fish, hike, watch birds and anything else they want to out in the woods, they clean up out there, in case you were wondering, the hunters and fishers and hikers all take care of the trail better than the government can, it's different when we do it instead of them.

 ---it is a labor of love------- a great great term for it---

Bridgette and I, celebrating our victory in St. Moritz
   Her 'shoes?"

 strings that cost 329 lire a quarter mm

and that's ok, whatever she wants


                                              that was nice...but...


                                I gotta go to work.

say la vee

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