Sunday, October 5, 2014

Some Cults of the World

   Last night, enjoying another half a round of insomnia and a FUCKING headache,by using my new found ability to get youtube on my television screen and the big fat sound bar my wife got me,I put in a search for "cults that kill."
   First up was Peoples Temple, my father thought they got me, The Moonies (who had me interested by luring me to dinner with beautiful young beautiful women) who my brother saved me from, good ol' Charley Manson and then came one under "Secret Cults of Ireland".
"House of Prayer" run by a visionary middle aged housewife and a priest,catholic, named McGinnity who interprets the visions. Her name is Christina Gallegher ,she who has the visions. The Bishop told McGinnity to cut the shit but next to the billions of dollars the Cats are handing out and their pope quitting he's  probably low on the ruler on the knuckles list and only got told once because he's still at it.
         Then the Irish set of "The Palmerians" with the "real pope" and the real hookup with the big director .Their truly devoted will not, on pain of excommunication, will not, speak to any Unpalmerian." Carmelites of the Holy Face" is their official moniker and their crew of big hogs with the fuzzy nuts have a fort in Spain they stay in. Their leader,the real pope, is also a lawyer.
They are purported to be well armed.

Then, the cult/occult effects on fucking Adolph Hitler. That asshole really thought he was the antichrist for christ sakes.  The little bastard was a bum for a long time, in Vienna where like homeless bums of now, he hung out in the library a lot, where they have heat and bathrooms and all kinds of shit to read. Libraries are hobo paradise #2 on the bum stops,right after train stations.
       According to my sources, UFOtv on youtube, he filled his mind with weird shit and kept not getting accepted to art school which many of the British Invasion true prophets of my time did with ease, my favorite(s) is/are Steve Winwood and Sid Barrett.

His heart was what was wrong with him, he was an angry little evil screwball,and he could really excite a crowd of wannabe savages. With Himmler and Joe Goebbels,two other twisted little fucks behind him and the Nietsche and Darwin ideas they turned into muck, the utter goddam horseshit of the  Ubermensch theory was attempted. I don't know how many other people have noticed a big ugly glaring hole in what the shitbags were selling from the gate, but I have. Not one of the little assbites has/had blond hair or blue eyes or any of the other distinguishing features they claimed the supermen they represented were supposed to have.
He purportedly underwent some occult transformation by a ritual in which the perfect ending is the transformed ones utter loss of interest in regular sexual stimulation, the utter acceptance of Lucifer as the boss, and the ability to hypnotically transfix and convince other humans who would listen to him to believe in and do shit that no sane person would along with a new sex life of disinterested sadism as the perfect result. Supposedly he emerged triumphant. Those motherfuckers killed over 20 million people on his say so.

     The thing that let them happily murder all those people who never did anything to them,was generally, the  people they killed were not people. They were pollutants in the Darwinian stream, inferior sub humans that had to be wiped to "cleanse the blood" and bring to it's perfect result and maybe conclusion the effective end to the human strand of Darwins theories . If they had prevailed,  there would be about 14 people left on the planet by now.

Scientolgists, Rosicrucians, Coptic Christians,al Qaiida,Jehovahs Witnesses, UFO expecters, UFO drop offs, Skull and Bones, Homer Simpsonites. It is some list.
  No wonder I can't figure out where I belong and who I belong to. I don't want to know is the real reason. I'm a fucking hippie commie with enough problems around here, I don't need the weight of the world all on me. It would make it hard to paint the house,mow the lawn and water the garden.

Oh yeah, and FEED THE DOG.


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