Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Don't Know

    I like to think I'm well informed and on the right side all the time. I like that because it makes me feel good and that's my favorite way to feel. Important and fucking smart.
        So then, yesterday I meet a guy from Nicaragua, a place I always figured I was all the way up on. Turns out, I barely know anything about how it is there. The guy says he likes it here way better. He misses his mother, but he's not going back.
      "At least I'm safe, bullets don't come through my windows at night. Everyone here isn't having AK 47's. I don't worry my neighbor will maybe get drunk and shoot me tonight. My son won't get rounded up into a truck at school and taken to the army camp, neither will I. Here, the food in the stores is good,too. Also, the water. You can  go to the movies. I work every day. Here is better than there."   
         Well, shit. Hell yes.
     Turns out, I don't know shit about Nicaragua. How about that.

1 comment:

  1. I used to to know quite a bit about the Central American countries myself. They were fucked up. Guess they still are. The only thing I know for sure any more is that most of the good jockeys come from down that way.
