Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Earthquake Weather

I don't know if it's true, earthquake weather theory. Geologists say no but they're fossil people not weather ones. Aristotle might have started the theorists out by claiming air blowing into caves caused earthquakes. Well, I don't know about that. He was cool but he didn't have much equipment, just a very astute and clearly rational relationship with the world.

Can't you just hear him, almost. "Zeus, almighty unseen motherfucker, why does the ground shake and make mountains fall and bury us?" "Tell the poor bastard it's the wind. Lets get drunk and screw." says Dianna, the Goddess of fucking with the ants below. I bet he tried talking to those airborne Olympians a lot, asked them all kinds of smart questions but they just fucked with him, we know now. They hid in the clouds and laughed their asses off whilst our Grecian brethren scurried.

So Ari figured it out with his own brain and refused to honor the crooked bastards after being disappointed enough times in a row. He got himself a good job investigating the Isle Of Lesbos, which could have been the top position in his time, like it could still be now. Anyway, he lived a full and rich life without seeking further immaculate decrees from The Gods.

I've been in a few earthquakes here in California. The wind blows in the morning and it'll be hot when it's usually cool and there's weird looking clouds before earthquakes. We're having that kind of weather right now. Watch out.If the dogs start dancing and whining, get under the table.

In all fairness, which is not required in this blog, some mortals have relationships with pretty cool Gods. Martin Luther King and Ralph Abernathy come to mind. Malcolm X. They got some serious shit done asking for inspiration and following through. Then you get a George Bush and Ralph Reed and their trip. Go figure.

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